Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Flex Challenge: Results!

For The Flex Challenge, I decided to try and build something like PictureStories, which takes a simple sentence and allows the user to turn it into a rebus. I decided to spice things up by making the source sentences be the titles of posts in RSS feeds, and having the images come from the results of a Yahoo image search.

You can view the resulting application here, and view the mxml and AS source here. Note that due to Flash's security restrictions, the only feed that we can use is the "Digg [local]" feed, which is using a locally-saved RSS feed.

It was an interesting experiment to try and simultaneously explain Flex/Flex Builder, and build an application, and eat cookies, all in under an hour. Flex is a great system for quickly creating simple (or complex!) applications!

Upcoming Events :: Local Groups

Hey Guys!

Just a quick note about a few upcoming events and some useful links (Thanks, Max).


Boston Flash Platform User Group – Joe Berkovitz. Flash Sound -
5/28 7PM – 303 Boylston Street, Brookline

Ignite Boston
5/29 6-10PM – Tommy Doyle’s in Harvard Square


Boston Flex User Group -
Boston Flex Application Incubator Group -
Boston Adobe Mobile and Devices User Group -
Boston Flash Platform User Group -
Boston Post Mortem -
